May 14, 2014

Phases: Mind of a Minor

Life is a series of phases, you are born a child and then you grow out of it. Everyone goes through the same phases, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, senior citizen, and then death. What if you took those same phases and made them relevant to your life, your experiences, what would they be called? Well, for Olivia, it’s Easy Street, Sex, Maturity, and Relaxation. Olivia Denise Adams is at a stand still, desperately trying to decide how to approach the next phase in her life. She takes the time to reflect on her past phases and how they have affected her and her attitude towards men, sex, marriage, and her career. Follow Olivia as she drifts through her phases from the mind of her minor self!

"I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end.  

"Once you start reading this book you will really enjoy it.  

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